The Youth & Family Collective (YFC) develops collaborative community projects to support youth and the community nonprofits who serve them. The YFC has partnered with over 70 organizations in Greater Sacramento, and distributed over $6 million in youth project stipends and administrative funding for community-based organizations. Using shared tools and infrastructure, the YFC supports the capacity of nonprofits to help young people to learn, earn, and thrive.

How has working with the Youth & Family Collective helped you or your organization grow, and what kind of growth have you experienced?

100% of partners said they have more tools to help youth

100% are more confident to seek additional funding

100% developed a stronger network of partners

100% feel their organization is more respected after their partnership with the YFC

Deep Dive

How the YFC Works

The Youth & Family Collective approach is designed to amplify the impact of community-based organizations (CBOs). CBO partners are engaged as trusted messengers and sources of support, with the ability to shift community culture towards health. With PRO's support, CBOs gain access to grant funding opportunities that may be otherwise out of reach. The YFC team manages grant administration, data collection, and reporting responsibilities, and provides technical assistance to support CBOs with grant deliverables, which allows them to focus on direct service to youth. YFC partner CBOs report accelerated growth and confidence to obtain additional funding opportunities independently. YFC programs use a Positive Youth Development approach to address topics that impact the lives of youth. This approach supports healing for youth who live with complex childhood trauma due to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). YFC programs create safe spaces for youths to build relationships with peers and trusted adults, gain skills, serve their communities, and create pathways to their goals. Through engagement with YFC programs and trusted adult mentors from partner CBOs, youth have the support they need to become positive change agents in their own lives and in their communities.

Donate Now

Since 1981, PRO Youth & Families has been dedicated to engaging young people in opportunities that inspire hope. Together, let’s create a world where every young person has the opportunity to thrive.

Donate today and join us in building a brighter future for our youth!