Equity Statement

PRO Youth & Families commits to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the programs we run, the communities we serve, and within our organization:

– We commit to providing opportunities for continuous learning and growth for our staff and leadership on the history and impact of racism, white supremacy, systemic oppression and cultural competence in order to create a culture of accountability within our organization.

– We commit to the continuous creation of sustainable opportunities to empower youth of color to leverage and advocate for policy changes that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

– We commit to hiring staff, leadership and board of directors of racial and ethnic diversity to better represent the populations we seek to serve.

– We commit to using PRO’s resources to leverage the capacity of organizations and leaders that represent and address the needs of disenfranchised and vulnerable populations.

– We commit to not be complicit to and profit from the systems that perpetuate racial inequality.

We remain steadfast and vigilant in our commitments. Our ethics of action and dedication to social justice will place us on the right side of history. The investment we make in the youth we serve and the communities we impact will result in a lasting legacy of positive change.

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Since 1981, PRO Youth & Families has been dedicated to engaging young people in opportunities that inspire hope. Together, let’s create a world where every young person has the opportunity to thrive.

Donate today and join us in building a brighter future for our youth!